Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! Tonight Jack and I got to Skype (video chat) with both of our families. While talking with my family, we got to see Chelsea's new hair cut (very cute, by the way). It was so inspiring that I asked Jack, the infamous barber, to cut my hair like hers. So, after taking care of what needed to be done, we pulled out the water bottle and the hair cutting scissors. While Jack was combing my wet hair, he ran into my ear with the comb. It told him about when my dad would get me and Jocelyn ready for church. He would comb our hair and when he combed over our ears, he would say, "Oh, what a big snarl you have here. I'd really better get that combed out." We would laugh and giggle and say, "No, Dad. That's not a snarl, it's my ear!" Fun memories. Fortunately, neither my dad nor Jack combed my ears off. Unfortionately, my haircut did not turn out as cute as Chelsea's.


CtrlAltJack said...

It's true. Chelsea's turned out better, but I bet she paid a professional. ;-} I felt pretty good about the trim I gave Tamara, but then she wanted an A-line! It's my first time!!!1 Well, this morning, the A-line had to go, so we went a little shorter. We're not down to a crew cut yet...

Jocelyn Robertson said...

What, no pictures?!?! Jack is brave to try an A-line cut.

Joanne said...

Trust is a good thing to have in a marriage. Tamara showed trust in Jack that he'll do a good job and Jack showed trust that Tamara wouldn't kill him after the haircut!

Michael said...

Enjoyed our Fathers Day visit. It was nice to think about combing your hair out...wasn't that just yesterday?