Friday, December 11, 2009

One Last Flight



It’s getting harder and harder to drag myself to that airport, but off I go again.


Joanne said...

Poor Jack had to drag you kicking and screaming to the airport! But you'll be kicking your heels in joy after this weekend! Hope all goes well your last weekend in TN!

Andrea said...

YAY! It's your last one!!!!!!

Jocelyn Robertson said...

I'm jumping for joy for you!!!

Grammyzanne said...

What commitment! One "last" to really enjoy.

CtrlAltJack said...

I look forward to seeing you at the airport again tomorrow!

Michael said...

You made it!

Laney said...

So how's the last 6 months been? I'm not sure if I should email you or what. I miss you!