On Tuesday morning I got to go with a small group of Belmont OTs and PTs to present at a 9th grade assembly. They asked us to talk about goals and living a purposeful life, including hygiene, exercise, and vocational/education planning. We broke it down and each took a part. I got to give my portion in Spanish, as well as the intro and conclusion. It went really well and was a lot of fun. Because it was a Christian school (and Belmont is also a Christian school) I started with a loose quote of Moses 1:39 that the Savior's work and glory, his goal, is for us to have eternal life with Him. From that I introduced goal setting and the different categories that we can set goals in. After the other girls had presented on their topics, I was able to wrap it all together in an inspirational, "We can do it and the Lord will support us in our personal progression." type ending.
While waiting for the bus, we got to play with the 2nd graders on the playground. We played cat and mouse (a combination of tag and red rover). We had a good time.