Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April is OT Month!

Ever wonder what is Occupational Therapy?

"The person who needs occupational therapy could be your father or mother facing changes because of aging. It could be your child, frustrated with being unable to do the seemingly simple things the other children at school can do. It could be you or your spouse coping with illness or the results of an accident. It could be anyone who, for whatever reason, can't do the things in life they want or need to do."

"Occupational therapy is therapy based on performing the meaningful activities of daily life (self-care skills, education, work, or social interaction), especially to enable or enhance participation in such activities despite impairments or limitations in physical or mental functioning.* Occupational therapy is for individuals of all ages-to improve skills that help them perform daily tasks at home and at school, at work and at play."

See for more info on what it is that I do and that I'm learning about.


Joanne said...

What you do is so valuable. Get lots of experience as your parents are aging!

Heather said...

I for one, am so grateful for OT's. My son has benifited from this service and I am grateful as a mother for the added help.

Jocelyn Robertson said...

Way to go OTs!!! I need to collaborate more with you. I tried having more movement and sensory activities for my speech groups today. It was wonderful!