Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Hopeful Garden Plans

Click drawing to enlarge.

Jack and I have been talking about how we want to plant the yard --what we want, where to put it, and when to plant it.

Per Aunt Suzanne's suggestion, we are hoping to plant in the fall. We have been working on digging up the pool in prep for demolishing the top foot or so (it's a buried pool that sticks out a bit above the grass).

Tonight we plotted out with a little more detail what it is we want to plant and where. We even sketched it out. One step closer.

Things on the shopping list:
Grandpa Cowles' Tangerine
Paper Shell Pecan
Ever-bearing Lemon
Date Palm
Grammy's grass (this is Jack's grandma)


Joanne said...

Wow! It looks great. I have extra roses from Costco (two of a kind) I'll gladly donate to your rose garden! When in the world are you digging and demolishing the pool - is it ever cool enough to work in the summer months???

Grammyzanne said...

Looks like a good plan. You are doing the hard work now - preparing the ground. You must be getting up very early to work in the yard.

Andrea said...

I love the plans! They look really great! I like that you are planting things that will be beautiful and useful.

I even helped mom pick out those roses!

Michael said...

You layout looks great! One concern I have is whether the vegetable garden will get enough sunlight up against the house on the north side.

jocelyn the elder said...

The marvelous tangerine your grandpa nutured is a satsuma mandarin--ripens here in mid December. Tnagerines don't stay on the tree for months as other citrus does. My thought is that the skin is loser.
Gordon liked the myer lemon.
You won't believe this but soon you will be pruning.

Tamara Robertson Turner said...

We are having fun planning and planting.

Thanks, Mom, for the rose donations! It'll be so nice to look at at roses through the bedroom window.

Aunt Suzanne, you are right. We ARE getting up early to work outside. We only work for an hour or so, before it's just too hot.

Dad, Jack says that in Phoenix, plants don't need as much sunlight, and we do get light on the north wall during the summer.

Grandma, thanks for the plant info. It is hard to believe that we'll be pruning soon. Right now, I'm just anxious for it. : )

CtrlAltJack said...

Well, I didn't really mean that plants don't need as much sunlight. Phoenix isn't magic, but we get so much sun all the time that plants here do better with less direct sunlight than they would require elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

the plans look great I hope it turns out as beautiful (or more so) as you picture it :)